Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This User Agreement ("Agreement") is an electronic agreement between you ("You", "User") and UAB Globopay ("Lithuania", "we"), regarding your use of our mobile application, the Platform, or any related application programming interfaces (API). For the purposes of this Agreement, UAB Globopay duly registered and operated under the laws of Lithuania under the registration number 305996882, having its registered office at Vilnius, J. Savickio Str. 4-7. Globopay UAB manages the software package and provides the Service for the purchase of a virtual asset, custodial storage of an asset, execution of instructions from the owners of an asset to move it, a service for selling a virtual asset and receiving it.


This Agreement is deemed to be accepted by you subject to the following conditions: - You have read the terms of this Agreement and all its essential parts (with any changes and / or amendments to them); - You have provided the required mark in the special field under the heading "I accept the terms of the User Agreement" in the registration form; - You clicked on the "Continue" button after completing the registration form, which means you agree and understand the terms of this Agreement.


Account — a pair of private and public keys, which stores a digital expression of the value or contractual rights. (Account of a specific name of the cryptocurrency) Custodial storage of cryptocurrency implies the transfer of a private key from the account to another person (Wallet), in order to save it and the right to create transactions Wallet — a program that provides access to accounts. The wallet can give access to several accounts and support work with them. The wallet program does not “store cryptocurrency in itself” in the form of some data, but is able to communicate with the blockchain (display account information, form transactions or search for information in the blockchain). Cryptocurrency, Virtual Currency, Virtual Asset — a cryptographically secured digital expression of value or contractual rights that uses distributed ledger technology and can be transmitted, stored and displayed electronically. User — any Person who is registered in the Wallet program and has agreed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Authorization of the User — the implementation by the User of a certain set of actions in order to identify the registered User for subsequent use of the functionality of the Wallet program. Privacy Policy — the rules for collecting, storing, distributing and protecting the User's Personal Data received by the Wallet program, which is an integral part of the Agreement.


In accordance with this Agreement, the Wallet provides the Users with the following services: - providing access to the public part of the account to view the account balance account private key storage, - formation of a transaction in the blockchain based on the available private key of the user account on his behalf, - receiving cryptocurrency to the public address of the user, - services for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrency, indicating the address of receipt of the purchased cryptocurrency or bank account details when selling cryptocurrency, - services for legal entities, wallet users, for receiving cryptocurrency from other wallet users, - services for legal entities and individuals for inclusion in the catalog of projects that accept cryptocurrency as payment for their services.

The provision of the Services is associated with certain collection and storage of information that is necessary to ensure the security of your virtual crypto assets. When we receive such information, we seek to secure the storage of such information and use several physical and electronic means to ensure this, including data encryption, verification of your identity ownership, and protection of all communications using industry-standard transport layer security. Even with all of these precautions, we cannot fully guarantee against access, disclosure, alteration or deletion of data as a result of events, including, but not limited to, hardware or software failure or unauthorized use. Any information you provide to us is transmitted solely at your own risk, but we will take all measures in accordance with our privacy policy To use the Wallet, you need to go through authorization, after which you will have access to a custodial account or several accounts for: viewing balances, receiving cryptocurrency and generating requests for cryptocurrency transactions, buying cryptocurrency, creating an order for selling cryptocurrency. Each account will correspond to the name of the crypto coin and the blockchain - a network containing a database for recording successive blocks with a set of characteristics. These networks are maintained by independent third parties. We do not own, control or operate these networks and therefore cannot and do not guarantee that any transaction details you submit to us in an application will be confirmed and processed. You understand and acknowledge that we are not responsible for any errors or omissions you make in connection with any virtual currency transaction initiated through the Wallet. The wallet does not control any blockchain and does not have the ability to fulfill any cancellation or change requests.


Refunds are not possible for transactions in which the user buys cryptocurrency. However, if the user changes their mind and wants to return the purchased Cryptocurrency, Globopay UAB will be able to redeem it at the current market rate minus the transaction fee. In other words, the User can sell the purchased Cryptocurrency for fiat funds and thereby return the virtual currency, paying all necessary fees and charges. In case of a return, the User is obliged to return exactly the amount of virtual currency that he received from the seller to the seller’s address. If it is impossible to provide the required amount of virtual currency during the return procedure, the User is obliged to purchase this amount, exclusively from the seller, in order to reduce the risks of returning virtual currency that has not been monitored in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania on AML.


By logging in to the Wallet, you represent and warrant that: - You have reached the age of legal capacity to enter into and be bound by a contract under the laws of your jurisdiction; - You are an individual or legal entity with full legal capacity and capacity and sufficient authority to enter into this Agreement; - Previously, you have not been banned or temporarily restricted from using our Wallet.

You are not: - a resident or citizen of one of the jurisdictions included in the high-risk group and other controlled jurisdictions in accordance with the definition (FATF), - a citizen of a jurisdiction that prohibits the use of Cryptocurrencies, - a national of a jurisdiction on the (EU) 2016/1675 list or UN Security Council sanctions list.

There may be other factors that will restrict Users from using all or part of the Wallet services. You are solely responsible for compliance with the relevant Laws in force in the territory of your residence (registration) and / or the territory of your stay, from which you use the Wallet. Wallet reserves the right to restrict or deny services if required by our AML/KYC Policy. If we find that you have violated this Agreement or other regulatory requirements, including but not limited to the Bank Secrecy Act, by engaging in money laundering or financing terrorist activities, we will take appropriate disciplinary action.


We may, in our sole discretion and at no cost to you, with or without prior notice, and at any time, change or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any part of our Services, including authorization blocking, if, we know or reasonably suspect that the provision of one or multiple Services: - is fraudulent or associated with any criminal activity, - is money laundering or is involved in money laundering activities, or violates applicable law, or - you may not provide, upon request, documentation that is reasonably required to fulfill our obligations under applicable money laundering laws and regulations or otherwise to provide verification of your identity and/or sources of funding as required by our Policies.


You understand and agree that we have no control over, and are under no obligation to take any action with respect to: - failures, errors or delays in the processing of Virtual Currency that may occur when using the Wallet; - the risk of failure of hardware, software and Internet connections; - the risk of introducing or detecting malicious software; - the risk that third parties may gain unauthorized access to the information stored in your Wallet; - the risk of unknown vulnerabilities or unforeseen changes in networks.

We make no representations regarding any Third Party Content contained in or available through our Services. Any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations related to such content are solely between you and such organizations and/or individuals.


We are not responsible for any delay, disruption or interruption of service that results directly or indirectly from any cause or condition beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to: any delay or failure due to any act of God , act of civil or military authorities, act of terrorism, civil unrest, war, strike or other industrial dispute, fire, interruption of telecommunications and Internet services or network provider services, equipment and / or software failure, other disaster or any other incident that is beyond our reasonable control and does not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


You agree that we may assign any of our rights and/or transfer, subcontract or delegate any of our obligations under these Terms. Your agreement to these Terms is personal to you and you may not transfer or assign it to any third party.


This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding and agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, except as provided above, any changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and must be signed by both parties.