Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Company’s website uses small files known as cookies to enhance its functionality and improve Customer’s experience. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a Customer's computer for record-keeping purposes. Company uses cookies on the Platform(s). Globopay links the information it stores in cookies to any personally identifiable information Customer submits while on the Platform. Glopopay uses both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session ID cookie does not expire when Customer closes his browser. A persistent cookie remains on Customer’s hard drive for an extended period of time. Customer can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in Customer’s Internet browser's “help" file. Company sets persistent cookies for statistical purposes. Persistent cookies also enable the Company to track and target the location and interests of our Customers and to enhance the experience of Company’s services on the Platform. If Customer rejects cookies, Customer may still use the Platform. Some of Company’s business partners use cookies on the Platform. Company has no access to or control over these cookies.